Monday, June 7, 2010

Learn From My Mistake

Learn From My Mistake
Originally uploaded by zackojones

This is what happens when you fail to check your equipment settings before going out to shoot birds in flight. Previously I had been using my camera in Single-Shot mode and you guessed it. I forgot to switch it back to AI Servo when we got out of the car. This would have been a killer shot IF I weren't an idiot :).


  1. Kills me when I forget to change my exposure compensation, program mode, or white balance setting.

    Bugs the heck out of me. But since I shoot flowers, I just adjust. The birds leave so your shoots are much more challenging.

    Love your work though.

  2. Thanks Kimberly. The thing that is most frustrating about this is I know better. Earlier while shooting some other stuff I was hearing the focus confirmation beep (don't know if your Sony does that but Canon's can beep when the subject is in focus). That should have been clue enough that I wasn't using the right mode. Oh well, live and learn as they say.

  3. Hey, it's very artistic. Don't beat yourself up!
