Outside of backpack
Yesterday I had a chance to see how well the bag would hold our gear and I'm happy to report that it will easily hold 2X E-M5's with grips installed, along with the 3 lenses we currently own: 14-42, 12-50, and 40-150 zooms. As you can see from the picture below it holds our current gear and still has some room for expansion.
Loaded with our current gear.
I wanted to see what else would fit in the bag besides our camera gear so I got out our Kindle Fire and iPad. The Kindle easily fits on the side pocket after moving the one lens and the bag is large enough to hold the iPad as well. Given that we have covers on each of those items I'm not concerned that the backpack doesn't have a dedicated pocket for either of them.
Loaded with the gear and Kindle Fire
Loaded with the gear and The New iPad (What a stupid name Apple!)
On Sunday I'll be leaving on a trip to Japan for work. I will be taking my E-M5, two rental prime lenses (Olympus 12mm and Panasonic 25mm) along with either the 12-50 or 40-150 zoom. I'll bring the Kindle Fire along as well. When I get back from my trip I'll post a follow up on how well the bag performed on my trip. If you're interested in small camera backpack and want to order one through Amazon I'd appreciate it if you'd use the link below. It's my affiliate link and if you use it and buy the backpack I'll earn a small commission.